Most Recent

  • jQuery Chosen - Expand and Contract Optgroup

    The jQuery Chosen plugin is great for single and multi select fields.  It not only makes them searchable but also gives a much needed user interface to multi selects.  In a recent implementation for a multi select I had a list that included optgroups.  The optgroups were each rather lengthy and I was asked if it was possible to make them expand and contract.  After a bit of research I was able to and I even snuck in a font awesome icon to indicate the state to make the UI

  • SilverStripe - increase file upload limit

    While fairly straightforward to adjust, I still miss a step every now and then when I have to adjust this and scratch my head for a bit.  To that end I thought I would post this for my future self :)

    How to increase file upload limit in SilverStripe:

    Usually it is as simple as adjusting two settings in your php.ini and restarting apache.  (location of php.ini can be seen if you use the phpinfo() function to see the info)

  • SilverStripe 3 syncing assets directory

    In our workflow we often find ourselves needing to sync our different environments like a live deployment and a staging environment.  Unlike some other cms platforms, SilverStripes database transfers very easily.  We use a tool called Navicat to first dump one database and then to execute the resulting .sql file on the other database.  This of course could simply be done via the command line (which is better for large databases too).

    The database isn't the only th

  • Install Xcache on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and SilverStripe 3

     To optimize and accelerate website performance you can use an opcode cacher such as Xcache.  Bellow are the steps I took to get this installed.


    Step 1

    Install xcache

    apt-get install php5-xcache


    Step 2

    Update config for xcache

    sudo nano /etc/php5/mods-available/xcache.ini

    Set a username and password

    xcache.admin.enable_auth = O
  • Google sells out with Android KitKat


    Where is the quirky little startup I remember reading about in some beatup techy magazine in the waiting room at a Jiffy Lube in 2000?  How does a company go from that to this sell out?  Has the underdog become the big bad wolf?

  • X-Wing Game


    Check out the first level of this js game I am working on.  More details on the games construction coming soon!

    X-Wing Challenge

  • Exploring io Domains


    Seeing the rise in popularity of .io domains lately I decided to explore what these domains really are and how to register one.  Since .io is used by web applications I assumed it was some new hip domain extention, but it turns out it is nothing more than the Indian Ocean extension that has been around a while.  So why would anyone want that for their domain extention if they are not located in the Indian Ocean?  Well, be
