jQuery Chosen - Expand and Contract Optgroup

The jQuery Chosen plugin is great for single and multi select fields.  It not only makes them searchable but also gives a much needed user interface to multi selects.  In a recent implementation for a multi select I had a list that included optgroups.  The optgroups were each rather lengthy and I was asked if it was possible to make them expand and contract.  After a bit of research I was able to and I even snuck in a font awesome icon to indicate the state to make the UI a bit more obvious.  Here is the snippet, enjoy!



		disable_search_threshold: 5

	$('.chosen-select').on('chosen:showing_dropdown', function(evt, params) {
		$('.group-result').each(function(key, group) {
			$(group).append(' <i class="fa fa-sort-up">');
			$(group).nextUntil('.group-result').each(function(key, item) {

	$('body').on('click', '.group-result', function() {
		icon = $(this).find('i');
		if(!icon) {
			$(this).append(' <i class="fa fa-sort-up">');

		if($(icon).hasClass('fa-sort-up')) {
		else if($(icon).hasClass('fa-sort-down')) {

		$(this).nextUntil('.group-result').each(function(key, item) {
			if(!$(item).hasClass('result-selected')) {