Most Recent

  • Exploring io Domains


    Seeing the rise in popularity of .io domains lately I decided to explore what these domains really are and how to register one.  Since .io is used by web applications I assumed it was some new hip domain extention, but it turns out it is nothing more than the Indian Ocean extension that has been around a while.  So why would anyone want that for their domain extention if they are not located in the Indian Ocean?  Well, be

  • X-Wing Game


    Check out the first level of this js game I am working on.  More details on the games construction coming soon!

    X-Wing Challenge

  • Google sells out with Android KitKat


    Where is the quirky little startup I remember reading about in some beatup techy magazine in the waiting room at a Jiffy Lube in 2000?  How does a company go from that to this sell out?  Has the underdog become the big bad wolf?
